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Toronto to LA

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    Road Trip from Toronto to LA // PART 1: CHICAGO – OMAHA

    Last July we accomplished one of my dreams. We drove down from Toronto to LA! Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to take a cross country road trip and this one was epic. Maybe it’s my perpetual wanderlust, but I really love road trips. I’m always itchin’ to go on one. The open road and all the scenery along the way, the little towns, it’s all so exciting to me. As long as I’m not driving. Lol.

    We were in a bit of a time crunch to get back to LA because Matt had a meeting, so we planned to get from Toronto to LA in 5 days. Yeah that’s right. FIVE. DAYS. Across the entire country. MADNESS. I really wish we could have spent more time in each place to really explore, but I’m still happy I could explore any of them at all. Each place was so unique. I seriously loved it, and now I know exactly where I’d want to go back and explore even more!

    On July 16th 2018 we started our journey. When we left, Toronto was rainy and grey (the usual).

    Next stop: Chicago, Illinois!

    We drove 9 hours to get to Chicago from Toronto, and since we’re not earlier risers, we had left in the afternoon and only reached Chicago late that night. We stayed overnight in a hotel, and then in the morning we ventured to Millennium Park to see the giant bean aka “Cloud Gate”

    The Bean aka Cloud Gate is located at: 201 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60602

    After checking out the giant bean, we ventured to the Chicago River. They had a bunch of boat tours that takes you throughout the canals, but we didn’t end up doing that because it was pretty expensive and we were short on time. Maybe next time!

    After wandering around Chicago for a few hours we had to continue on our road trip to our next stop: Omaha, Nebraska. Hometown of Conor Oberst and Saddle Creek Records. That’s really all I know about it. Lol. We didn’t stay there long. It was a 7.5 hour drive from Chicago to Omaha so we got there late again and just crashed there overnight. Then we headed out to our next stop immediately. We didn’t have much time so we had to pick and choose what spots we’d have time for… and we definitely wanted to have time for the next few!

    Next stop: Denver, Colorado. An 8 hour drive from Omaha!

    To be continued


