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    Watch This // Resident Alien

    If you know me at all, then you know I’m kind of a huge dork when it comes to Alien anything. I mean, I genuinely still want to go to Roswell to check out all of the Alien stuff. It’s literally on my list of things to do, for real. Deserts and aliens? That’s my jam.

    So, when I randomly saw the trailer for “Resident Alien” starring Alan Tudyk I was like, “Dang, that actually looks pretty dece. I’d totally watch that.”

    And then my ADHD brain totally forgot about it.


    I accidentally stumbled upon it again and watched the first episode. I was hooked. So I ended up watching the entire first season. Now I’m bummed out ’cause I gotta wait for the next season to come out!

    Or so I thought…

    I just found out that it’s based off of a comic book series by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in 2011.

    I know, right? What up, Universe? Thank you for this gift.

    It’s actually really funny that it’s based off of a comic book series because my first thought when I watched it was, “This would’ve made a great comic book series.” Well well well… it is bish. It is.

    I looked into it and theres 5 books in the series, so I’m going to grab this book called “Resident Alien Omnibus Volume 1” which includes the first 3 books of the series.

    Resident Alien Omnibus Volume 1, [$21.99,]

    I guess we’ll see how it compares to the show. Can’t waaait!

    Until next time,
